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Monday, 27 March 2017

曼谷之第四天/Bangkok 4th Day

大约十一点左右,我们抵达大皇宫(Grand Palace)。

 It's the last day of Bangkok trip.
We done our check out after had our breakfast in the hotel.
Because of last day, we did not went out early like the last few day.
Around 11.30am, we arrived Grand Palace.
We just walked around the entrance only. 
 Entrance ticket is 500Baht per person. I felt worth but my family member not willing to visit. They felt waste money. So, just could follow big team.

Grand Palace's entrance~ 

The view from outside, the spectacular of Grand Palace!

After that, we went to China Town again for our lunch. 

Chose this restaurant for lunch~

Shark Fin Soup~


BBQ duck~

Tom yum~

Shrimp with vegetable~

Prawn with mee~

午餐后,就去最后一站, 郑王庙(Wat Arung)郑王庙(Wat Arung)需要乘船过对岸,可以体验一下,不一样的感觉 。船票来回共6泰铢。郑王庙入门费一个人50泰铢

After lunch, we went to our last station which is Wat Arung. Wat arung need to ride boat to pass the river. A new experience, different feeling. Boat ticket is 6Baht for 2 way. Entrance ticket of Wat Arung is 50Baht per person
Remark: Smart and casual wear, no short pants or singlet for girls/ladies. 

On the boat~

 郑王庙有很斜的楼梯,看你敢不敢爬而已。记得准备一枝笔, 爬上最高有一条黄布围绕着建筑的,在上面写下你的心愿或祝福语,诚心祈求,也许会实现的。
An oblique stair, dare to climb? Remember prepare a pen, yellow fabric around this building when you reach the most higher. Write down your words like praying or good words on it, pray sincerely, it might come true.

5.45pm 到达机场 ,已经预早去机场。
路上会遇到堵车的情况。曼谷堵车不是盖的,是超堵和很多车 >.<
We start went to airport around 4.30pm.
We arrived airport at 5.45pm, need arrange went there early.
 On the way, it might traffic jam. No a joke! Terrible traffic jam and many many car in Bangkok >.<

Lastly, took a picture in this VAN for end up our family trip.^^

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