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Thursday 26 May 2011

Coming soon ♥ Post of Kuching Trip

Almost a week did not update my blog...
I went to Kuching last few days.
Have a wonderful trip ^^
I will share my Kuching trip's experience in next post.
Now, let you take a look some photo which was took in Kuching.

 on the plane~

Nice and friendly guy...
Nice to meet him and his cousin as well~
Hope to meet him again ^^

 Semenggoh Orang Utan~
Our "Day 1" outing ^^

 At Sarawak Cultural Village~
Our "Day 2" outing ^^

 View of Cultural Village~

 India Street~
Our "Day 3" outing

Bye~Leave from Kuching...
Back to LCCT in KL...

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