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Monday 30 May 2011

Kuching♥Day 1♥

How you spend your semester break???
Me???Spend my semester break with my part time job, travel, outing and bla bla...
On 22/5 in the early morning, I went to LCCT (air port terminal) with grandma by bus.
Around 11.30a.m., I arrived Kuching.
Hotel send a person which is took us to our staying place.
He call Brandon,is nice and friendly person.
Before that, we went to a restaurant for our lunch.

 Kok Lok Mee!!!
Very famous in Sarawak~

 Our staying room~

After check in and had a while of rest, we went to "Semenggoh Orang Utan".
Brandon and his cousin took us to there, a few of hotel's guests too ^^

 Hot and tired that time...

 Orang Utan!!!(ape)

 with my lovely grandma ^^

After visit "Semenggoh Orang Utan", we back to hotel to has a rest.
Dinner time, we went to town city there.
These are the dish that we order.

 田鸡 ~


In Malay language, it call "sayur biri" if I'm not mistake.

 Our dinner...
2 person only...oh,no!!!!
Can finish all???

Stay tuned~
Next post will about MY KUCHING DAY 2~

(p/s: If want to know more about Kuching this place, you can view here.)

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