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Monday 16 May 2011

Hair Show ♥

 Hair show!!!!!!!
Hehe....Last post said that will sharing my experience about hair show in this post...
After helped my mum, I rush to Bercham for make up.
The Hair Show held at Volar, Ipoh.
This was organized by SB Wars Salon.
I will accept this job because of funny.
I just want get some experience only
can have some fun too.
Lastly, also can get a set of hair product from SB Wars Salon.
I don't want the free of rebonding/curl/colour/cut.
Because....Actually, I have my current salon since I studied secondary school.
However, been a model of Hair show, it let me gain a lot of experience and had a lot of fun.

  Before the hair show~
Set my hair....


 Look like model???


 After change my cloth and skirt...
I did recycle part.
So, all my cloth and skirt were made by newspaper.
On my head that thing also....
Look like very light?
Actually, very heavy on my head.
Not easy...because need hang on a few of hours..

Recycle part (^^)v

 During Hair show...

Thank you,Sasa and Desmond.
They came and support this activity.

Stay tuned to my next post...
Will write about my trip in Betong..
Are you been there before???
It is a town located in Thailand.
See you next post...(^_^)

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